major sjursen: i do have a comment about that. again, it feels like the palestinians are being held to a different standard than the israelis. who is to determine what the people want except for the people themselves through democracy? i agree democracy is flawed, but after josette, it is the worst solution except for all the -- but as churchill said, it is the wrist solution except for all the others, essentially. it cannot justify the armed struggle of the palestinians, but article 51 of the armed charter recognizes and the protocol to one division to convention -- a main occupation. argue that because palestinians are still in a state of resistance, a state of insurgency, we have never really seen what a palestinian state would look like. we have only seen the state list of a collaborationist regime that looks like swiss cheese. nothing has been done about the 500,000 jewish-israeli settlers in the west bank. it looks like a piece of swiss cheese, frankly. it is a problem. gene: one more comment and then back to questions. elan