. -- skadden the game. isn't it odd when you see our immigrant population i see the people who came here with nothing and then making sap -- six figures then randomly decided to open case of why we're not there risktaker any more we fell into the middle class apathy and let the country slowly dissipate around us not only do we not duse's people ask me what can redo? icy blast the wrong question but what are you doing now? people say who is your congressman? they have no idea. think of the apathy in the midterm election it is not uncommon for 50 percent of the people not to vote. i thought i can't. i'm sorry i would rather die pour. might wife and i had a prolonged conversation their real consequences so going down to the cinco day meyer party and she turned to me is that i would not talk you out of this? she said no. do it. reside. and on the way in she said you know, i was a classmate? she said it's because i'm pregnant. i thought have then puts a zero way to put the price on things my boss thought i was c