is looking and saying russia's political system is rubbish and discounting the people wouldn't skansen putin it's not you know we have the same system which is full of hope and democracy but i think you know it's take that attitude is maybe naive or at least it's not what happening here what we're talking about is a transition if we accept this economic need for economic transition over time. since arguing is that there's a need for a political transition to. this is not turkmenistan where the president just returned with ninety seven percent of the vote one hundred percent of the duma. and it's not ukraine either which is but then you know there's the ukrainian experiment where they did a full political. chaos and it's chaos and war over the obvious it's clearly going to steal the country back in october and the elections there and i think looking at these situations and saying that we need a transition there's no point in introducing civil society if we don't have the institutions to ensure the management of the economy afterwards and you know you can argue about the pros and cons of that