above the water is skarin, above the water there is fog, i left my native land, i was only young, only this viburnum and the fog over the vada, only this viburnum, and the foggy maiden, viburnum, viburnum, blooming, blooming, too... in 1976, after finishing the tenth grade, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, not for anyone, not for myself, i am entering the karaganda state medical institute, although i was going to enter either a physical education school an institute or a music school, since at school i only had two a’s, in physical education and singing, yes, but i repeat, i entered karaganda, the met institute, three courses there, the souls of people from the professional scene, yes, i worked for a year a sanitary doctor in one of the health stations of the city of minsk, then 4 years as an inspector of the rybnadzor of belarus, a uniform cap, a pistol from march 1, 1987, i’m on the professional stage , it’s been 37 for a full 36 years now, i’ve had a dream of becoming a singer since school, when in the distant in kazakhstan, in a military town , i repeat priozersky, i saw the first film