this was true in our case against sent some in the earlier case involving skectcher's toning shoes. endorsed fads. shows how these marketers of the peer green coffee dietary supplement capitalized on dr. oz happening featured it on his show and calling it magic and a miracle. productsumers see praised by host they trust, it can be difficult for them to listen to the internal voice telling them to beware. long soughtwe have the partnership of the media to screen deceptive ads before they run. our recently issued gut check guide sent to media outlets advises the media on seven weight-loss claims that experts say template cannot be true and the media should think twice about before running. today, we launched a new online interactive quiz. i want to thank the committee for focusing attention on scams and giving the ftc the ability to describe its role. we will continue our efforts to pursue the perpetrators, work with the media to help prevent fraudulent ads from running and educate consumers that trust the gut instinct to be a strong mechanism. thank you and i would be happy to respon