his name is skelton.] announcer: with red, every day was a circus, and he was the clown prince. [laughter] >> good heavens. call a doctor. i think i have got the mumps. [laughter] announcer: he could entertain you without even saying a word. [laughter] announcer: now you can let red and his friends entertain you anytime you like. >> he moves without a jerk. care to join me? [laughter] announcer: time life went back to the vault to find 31 incredible, full color shows, and now they can all be yours on 10 dvd's. >> let me see that. announcer: for just five payments of $19.99. >> what a jolly good idea. [laughter] announcer: the legendary comedian. ♪ >> holy smokes, this may be my underwear. [laughter] announcer: the incredible music. >> ♪ you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off of you ♪ announcer: and classic characters. >> before i give up drinking, i give up drinking. >> that ain't the wine, but it's going to have to do. [laughter] announcer: plus, exclusive extras, including a full-length