and if so, what skern do you have for political and economic for syrian civil war on syria's neighbor, specifically on lebanon and jordan, which will undoubtedly receive thousands of syrian refugees? >> there's already been a spillover in the neighboring countries as syrians oil purchases from syria halting fleeing the violence go to neighboring countries to look for refuge. you have families in lebanon, jordan, turkey, iraq that have taken in syrian friends and relatives. there's already an impact. in lebanon there have been people killed across the border by syrian forces crossing the lebanese border. so there's already a spillover effect, senator, which is, you know, deplorable. and we salute those families and those countries that are hosting syria syrians outside their borders. we're trying to provide assistance to those host families and governments. assad want his people to believe that it's if it's not for him, there's going to be a civil war. so part of this is a bashar al assad regime believe they have to stick with him. the international community is trying to help avoid th