thompson lane at.m skillman pg&e working on a downed power pole you cannot get officials say they've tracked the source of a natural gas leak that forced evacuation of several homes. the gas is still leaking now. officials don't want to shut offlvtç gas to 40 other custome. they say it does not pose a danger. pg&e workers are digging in another location to shut off the leak and hope to be finished in the next half hour. a resident reported an overpowering smell of gas 7:00 last night. a strong reading of gas was picked up. crews will be at the scene all morning repairing the damage. cÑ h george h.w. bush elevatedj;]Ñg fevereen,k has jn the hospital since november 29th, with compb<+c+iujjj from bronchitispñ'fh6eÑ. a bush spokes map says he's alert and talking with staff. -- >>> a buy from daly city is dead from a traffic accident that also -- a the two died christmas night in pasadena after an suv running from police smashed into their minivan. $p$c >>> the rain may have stopped for now, but the combination of wind and rain has weakened and toppled trees. t