house, well, there will be no effective action, the same here, the landing is an elementary landing in skirp, to drive up to the trench. from whom and you will pour out the right infantry, so that it will hurry up correctly and jump right into these first trenches of theirs. do you now directly take combat action , it happens. i go out with groups, i also take adrenaline, this, that too, but first, this is an example for the personnel, so that they do not think that the commander is sitting 20 km away from them and someone is telling them on the walkie-talkie how to live or how to shoot somewhere, this never happens when i am at the front of a company, then this the distance between us and them is one and a half kilometers, well, he himself understands, the dear mortar says good day to me, the next day on... i was lucky to film the departure of the wild company to storm new settlements in the south. preparation for the operation and its careful planning took place for several weeks. driving into position is one of the most important dangerous moments, because it is important to make it invis