and--skkrcch!--right down. boom! and every time you hit it--skkrcch! it tightens right up. hey, huh? there's inertia. another thing, too. guess which acts the same way? this little hammerhead that's in your back. how tall are you guys? you got your driver's license. your driver's license tells how tall you be, right? is that the morning figure or the night figure? do you guys know that at nighttime you are shorter than you are in the morning time? did you know that? it's true. scout's honor, it's true. now, have you checked it over the weekend? you have in your back, you have a little sack-- you have all these little bones like these. and as you keep going like this, walking along, boom, boom, boom, through the day... [laughter] at the end of the day, you're a little bit-- ever see those jogger types? they start off, "wow, let's go for a run, gang." and they run, boom, boom, boom. at the end of the day, "oh, boy, that was a good workout." [laughter] they get shorter. hey, it's true. you settle right down. and then at nighttime, you get in your bed, you--whooop... you come r