today i have an associate auditor, skogin, and i am here to highlight my office's work to follow up on recommendations we issued. and a summary of our follow-up that we reported is on the summary page. the benefit is not in the findings but in the implementation of corrective action. and by conducting follow-ups it helps ensure that departments are implementing change and helps city management. and it allows us to assess the value of our audit work. and our office does two types of follow-up work, regular and field follow up. we do follow ups for two years after they are issued. in these follow-ups we periodically ask departments to report to us on the implementation status. we may select certain high-risk audits for the field follow up. where we go back into the department and gather evidence and determine if each is implemented. for details of our follow-up process you can refer to the report. for the next slides i will provide a follow-up activity for the second quarter, and provide highlights for specific reports in the memorandum for the follow-up activity. and i will give an over