automakers, all the main designers, then we invited system developers and the third block is yandex, skoltech iber, those who are actively engaged in artificial intelligence today. i believe that in our country now we need to make this qualitative leap and involve artificial intelligence in development, which will allow us to further accelerate the development of the initial stage of the product, since things are in import substitution sapra and life cycle products, gamas works with sorosat, this is a saros product as a product about architecture is very well conceived and... the execution today does not yet meet the requirements of the automotive industry, basically this is not even connected with the product itself, with the geometric meter, that is, as soon as complex surfaces appear, motorists have enough of them, then of course it is difficult for the program, but i think that rosatom today has concentrated its efforts, assembled a good group in soroyev, i think they showed you there when you were there, it is very important, so that you as a customer do not hesitate to report any problems th