we see this as a step backwards in the ability of folks who use power chairs, skooters, or who have mobility devices to be able to enter and exit the train easily with dignity without having to apologize for bumping people or hitting knees. it is a whole lot of interest. we protested on wednesday. we'll be at west oakland part again today between 4:00 and 7:00, a press conference at 5:30. and we're asking bart to remove the poles. we know that that's going to cause a lot more havoc in the boarding and disembarking process from bart trains. bart -- bart seems to think that our needs need to be weighed against the needs of everyone and, you know, we're sort of in the middle of this wonderful process. if you agree that bart should eliminate the pole in the boarding doors, one way that you could help us out is by coming out to the protest today at 4:00 in west oakland. another way is to let the board of directors know by e-mailing board of directors at bart.gov, and remind them that disability rights isn't an interest group. this is about civil rights. for my people, civil rights is being able t