skrupki, mogilev, grodno , there will be a ceremony in minsk, and i can name a lot of places, it’s notet to everyone, yes, but there are a lot of places where the initiative is already being carried out in places where ceremonies are held, and this is very important. there are memorial places and military graves in our district, they are well maintained, the monuments are repaired, students often visit memorial places and lay flowers. young lady, as for my mother, she is also among the last dozens of people when vaudeli was shot, a plump woman stood up for her, well, as i understand it, even in order to save the women of a young girl, along with the shot she fell into a hole, lay there for more than a day, and then when the locals were burying this hole, she asked that they not bury too much and then she left here, in the territory of the krupskaya region, more than 100 war months of memory, plowing the hourly battles and wars, five fraternal mags illuminated by the halakost. since the beginning of the war, wars on large territories have passed away and karny actions on the masses exte