. >> she represents the estate of world renowned skuculptor peter vulkus who passed away in 2002. in 1971 he created a beloved untitled public work sited at seventh and brian. like many other public works of art it is in need of repair. ruth began conversations with the director of cultural affairs and art care was born. >> art care will be responsible to look at all the pieces and decide what pieces need the most repair to bring it back to what it was before. that is what i'm after. so they will take that on the corn of seventh and brian. you can't see it as you ride down seventh street. you can only see it when you are in front of it. >> the skull -- sculpture is one of the tpeufirst pieces commissioned by the arts commission after the advent of the 1969 art enrichment ordinance so it is quite significant that we are planning to treat it as part of the art care program. art care has plans to take care of several other pieces in the collection including man lin choi's sculpture the monument to the korean community. it has been in the park over 0 years and has become a magnet for