her name is skye starbuck. >> this is one i wrote for my girl, skye.e a drop of water in this vast sea of time that seems to stand between us. trapped as i am in my own despair only the word can eternal can describe the lengths to which our love will last. if i don't get out i may never see her. >> and today skye has come for a visit. >> what's his last name? >> adam verlander. >> verlander? >> yes. like verlander, skye has struggled with drug distribution and is currently living with friends. this is her first visit with verlander in six weeks. >> i don't know how he still feels about me. if he's still going to be in love with me the same way he was before he got locked up. i'm going to start crying. >> it's been 45 days since i've seen my girl. kind of rough. >> how do you feel? >> a little apprehensive. >> verlander's apprehension stems from suspicions. when he recently tried to call skye, someone else answered. >> i said i'm looking for skye, and he said, huh? and i said i said i'm looking for skye. and some guy hangs up my phone. so i'm a little c