slagle? no response. >> in one of his more memorable acts of defiance, slagle served as a ring leader when he and seven other inmates covered up their cell windows, a major infraction of prison security rules. >> we'll have to come in and get you. is that what you want? no response. >> this is captain cruz. i'm shift commander tonight on swing shift i'm going to ask you to uncover your window. >> no. >> are you refusing? >> yes. >> do you understand that i'll send a team in to bring you out of your cell? >> yes. >> unable to get slagle and others to uncover their windows, captain cruz summons the emergency response team. >> so we are going to get them out. the first one, because we identified him in numerous cell extractions. he will fight us. he will try to get out of his cell. >> determined to make a stand, slagle mounts a defense with the few meager items he has in his cell. he has jammed his door with a hardened papier-mache-like mixture with wet newspapers and toothpaste. but with the ex