slainte mhath.s the city of luxor. it used to be called thebes, and was the capital of ancient egypt. among luxor�*s best—known treasures is the burial chamber of the boy king tutankhamun. last year was the centenary of its discovery in 1922, and we were here to cover it for the travel show. incredible. absolutely astonishing. but we noticed that inside the tomb, the pharaoh's remains were every bit as popular as the beautifully restored chamber itself. and we wondered why. it was so amazing, as you walk in, to see it, and to be able to actually see the body of someone who ruled so long ago. some people say it's intrusive. they're probably right, you know. i mean, a dead body should be in rest, not for people to see it, but at the same time, i mean, this person used to be a king. so it's fascinating to other people to be able to see, you know, his body. but it's notjust here. many mummies removed from the country by colonial powers still remain on public display around the world, and for some, that'