there, could climb out a third floor window and climb up a fire scape about 12 feet up to the slanting rooftopand you could just see -- i believe you could just see the ocean from there. urban views are pretty much what we see most of the time. they are important. >>> hi, my name is larry juicy edmonds. i stay in district 6. i used to work as a coworker on haight street. and i still remember black people coming in and i didn't know black people lived in that area on the haight street. but i think what we need to know, this exemption should not -- appealing for the exemption is important because if you look here, monitor, environmental not only affects the esthetics of the neighborhood, but it also affects people mental and physically. and if you go out to bca and were seeking wellness on the 17th this month, they have environmental justice tour that takes you to bayview. people are dying in bayview at 30 and 25, boys and girls, because that environment and justice out there in that area has been so unthought of. but this is a good time to join in and get environmental and come back and redo th