innovation in our science based regulatory approach, encourages farmers, to adapt the latest technology slater. that's what we want to, do you see the productivity increases here, from technological advances there. we see all the way back to 1929, the tractors, here in all the various types of things, irrigation, robotic milking, satellites for position agriculture, biotech issue, all the kind of, things innovation is, driven technological innovations have helped that record places 400% improving agricultural productivity over these, years as what we want to continue to do, that we've got to focus more, on aligning those kind of things, embracing innovative technologies, allows farmers to become more, efficient all timidly improving their bottom, line keeps the cost low and productivity, high even in the dairy, sector which is been under quite a bit of stress you could see their productivity gains over the last several years. 90 years ago, we had this many cows, and now we have 60% less cows, with guess what? twice as much milk, and that's one of the, reasons there's so much they've been so pr