and slayton had been chosen to make the second orbital mission after glenn when he had this little heart murmur. as i say, it wasn't anything real noticeable. i mean, it wasn't continuous. it just showed up once in a while. but yet it made the medics very nervous. and even after really exhaustive tests showed that it was not repetitive to the point where it would have interfered with the mission, there was still the sense of, well, we just can't take a chance on anything on the hardware or the astronauts, so he was grounded. flat grounded. and at that point the feeling of competitiveness was deke turned into one of camaraderie. one of feeling sorry for him. a sense of, you know, well, let's get you back on the schedule, oh, old buddy, somehow, because you really felt sorry for him at that point. because it no longer was competitive. but on the other hand, to have a guy in that position, and knowing how tough -- how tough that could be to him. so, he was grounded. obviously the benefit for us was to have somebody -- someone of us who could immediately become a spokesman, because he had de