a jerrod dog sledders, significant percentage of them, fantastic hallucinations of sitting on a sled and talking to them. i had some of these experiences when i was transcontinental bike racer going hours and hours or days without sleep and all sorts of weird hallucinations. the brain is capable of doing this under different conditions. projecting out from ourselves something else that is not material. i argue that this is entirely in the brain. 100% a product of neurons firing and nothing else. i am in the minority position. a friend of mine would argue it is just a software running on the hardware. software exists out there in the matrix somewhere. i am not going to adjudicate that debate here but i argue that as the brain dies from tumors or brain damage injury, especially from senility and dementia and alzheimer's that as the neurons die cell by cell, the memories and personality of the person fade away. gone. where did it go? i claim it goes nowhere because it is stored there in the system. the only way to achieve immortality would be through better science and technology. downl