. >> toxins blend hormone production, i live in sleepy malibu, when i come here you are not aware ofou encounter. the united nations is in town and people are honking and banging into you and there are potholes. by the time i get to fox i am stressed. i had to up my estrogen because of the stress of new york city. imagine what it is doing to all the rest of you. gerri: i want to ask you. it is exciting but there is something else that goes along with that, that is your shoulders up to your ears half the time. you say hormone therapy is the answer. tell us what you know. >> let me give you two examples. there is such a misnomer about hormonal replacement. a study of 80,000 women, a famous study. the conclusion of that was women on synthetic hormones had a 69% increased risk of getting breast cancer from those hormones. 69%. the hormones i take are biologically identical to the human hormone and an exact replica of what your body makes or once made. they did a study of the american cancer society 422,000 women, the conclusion was women from 40 on who took biogenic o hormones had a 41%