arms willing to help the man slider gilmore calls a dear friend. gilmore was in sturgis when the accident happened. "he did not regain concious while we were there," said gilmore. but as you can see, keune is up. not quite able to walk yet, something g 'll have to relearn. meanwhile,e,is daughter kenzie churns along in her senior year at sioux central cmunity school. a place that's become her second home. "i have been overwhlemed with love, joy and support within my community," said keune. her volleyball coach says kenzie's shared tears with the team. one of the many activities she's involvlv in that her dad asks about. but she says that's not all he asks about. "he misses seeing his patients and how much his patients really mean to him," said keune. but dr. keune meant a lot to others too. his accident brought a fellow chiropractor out of retirement to work with dr. keune's patients until he comes back home. "him doing this for our family just means so much," said keune. "it's going to be a long road to recovery but with all of the support, and opt