one eye was hanging out like a slinky. you could see all the veins and everything.t destroyed on this side of the face and also had a big gash in his forehead. she stroked his head, she said and she told him, i'm sorry that i didn't get you out of here. you know, these are the kind of things we have to live with. for mr. foster, sharing the story of his son's death, helps relieve his pain. he spoke to the wards for more than an hour. >> i'll keep trying until there's no breath left in me because the cycle needs to stop. if you don't begin to look at the cycle and touch the cycle, try to impact it, it just continues to spiral. >> one of the gang bangers involved in shooting evan had once been incarcerated at stark. one of his former dorm mates also convicted of murder raised his hand to speak to foster. >> on behalf of all of us, i want to apologize. you know what i mean, for the mentality that we grew up with, the state of mind that we're in and the decisions that we make to make that kind of action or take that kind action towards other human beings. on behalf of t