i need to slipe, i can't fly anymore.et's move on to the top story. ( cheers and applause ) the coronavirus, it's like impeachment but more humanity. ( laughter ) today was yet another day full of major developments in efforts to stop this global plague. let's catch up on the latest in our ongoing segment, is this how we die? ( cheers and applause ) ♪ as scientists fight every day to learn more and more about coronavirus, governments around the world are doing their best to contain the crisis. in israel, anyone entering the country has to go into a 14-day quarantine. in india, they're sending coronavirus alerts to all 1 billion cell phones. and in washington, d.c., president trump has said, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, he'll stop shaking hands and go back to grabbing people by the pussy. ( audience reacts ) while governments are doing what they can as individuals, we are told we can change our behavior to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. wash your hands for 20 seconds, cough into your elbow and d