we'll interview upand coming women's tennis star, 19-year-old sloane stephens in less than 30 minutesck to the next list with sanjay gupta. >>> you grew up basically praying for summer to come around early. we'd spend our summers on the water literally every day on the long island sound. i remember as a teenager working as hard as i could raking lawns and mowing lawns to save up enough money to buy my first boat which i did i think at 11 or 12 years old. just loved being on the water as a kid. winter times, times when we were away from the ocean, i just had to this hole inside of me. i just missed it. it was never the same, not being there and on the water. >> was there a point where you said, look, i could make my life doing this? as a teenager, i began thinking that and really trying to figure out a way that i could become reality. >> a teenager living on long island to start aqua culture, that's a big undertaking. >> yeah. i think i was a bit naive and had no idea what i was getting myself into at the time. but i had crazy parents that supported whatever i did and i started really