i looked slobodan milosevic right in the eye, and i said: "sir! ( chuckles ) yeah! yeah, there was no time for shopping then, either! you can relax, joe. you got the job. no, no, no, i know, i know, okay, okay. and, uh, there's some things i need to get to, so... okay, well, i'll get out of your hair, but, uh, i just want to say it's great to have you back! just so you know, while you were gone, uh, i really had things under control! i knew the country was in good hands, joe. yep! yep, yep, yep, yep, yep! kept it on lockdown. yeah, i-i never doubted you for a moment. yeah, you know, you know, what happened is, uh, i moved myself into the office here, i just kind of made myself at home. i don't want to toot my own horn, sir, but, uh, the market stayed pretty steady on my watch. you know? smooth sail-- well, i guess it's more like smooth sailing! yeah, well, uh, you know i appreciate it. yeah, yeah. hey! you know, i heard about your little secret trip to baghdad! ( laughs ) yeah, yeah! i heard about that after the fact, you know, on the news, like e