captain slocum had a kernel of an idea.fert of a ship -- not really a ship. a modest boat between 20 and 30 feet long, single mastersed. he later overhauled it and added an after masters. he said i can rebuild this ship. he says in his story that he rebuilt it basically all but the name. the name the spray stayed from beginning to end. he rebuilt it, and it wasn't to his liking much, and captain slocum had an used that he was going to perhaps sale around the world. why not sale across the atlantic? it was a revolutionary idea, to sale around the world by themselves, a single person. 7ñ europe. i tell you this story atot. so length because senator kennedy knew this story well, and we enjoyed sharingbud+y pieces of back and forth. he had gone forth in 1895 and taken three years to cirque navigate the globe. he came back to new england in 1898. people were astounded to see him sailing into the harbor all by himself, having crossed the broad expanses of ocean. well, in some ways, the life of captain slocum represents a kennedy