i can look over there and see where i met -- slocumb, first year.heap applause line. one west in the house. i knew there's something out there. but i knew right there is where i met some of my best friends that are friends for life within the first week of school. i can look beyond and see a corner of jackson house over there which is where i first met with my initial academic advisor jim tristle. and he sat down on the grass with myself and the other advisees, and he gave us what i think is probably the most liberal arts advice you can give. it's really liberal arts in a nutshell. he just -- he said just have fun. and that was his advice. and he doesn't mean it -- or i didn't take it, and people didn't take it that way, that doesn't mean no work. that means have fun in whatever you do. you have fun socially and with friends but you also have funs intellectually and academically. and that is really what helped shape me and lead me on this strange and weird path of a career and life that i have now. but i'm not here to talk about my life and take you