they didn't need him that much against slovania. 101-71 the final against slovania.t game for real versus finland on saturday in the world basketball championships. that's the sports life for a tuesday night. >> all right, mark, thank you. >> that cc is so cute. >> good for her. >> go cc. >>> our coverage continues online on >> if you missed part of our newscast you can catch the rebroadcast starting momentarily on tv 36. good night. >> good night. icked a soccer ball, and it hit another kid so hard, his eye popped out. awesome. really? his eye popped out? well, got to hit the sack. big saturday tomorrow. that's right. it's somebody's birthday. not just that -- the ipad comes out on my actual birthday. it's like steve jobs and god got together to say, "we love you, phil." what is so great about that doohickey, anyhow? "doohickey," elly may? it's a movie theater, a library, and a music store all rolled into one awesome pad. a library is a place where people get books. a movie theater is a place where people go on dates. i better load the beach chair into the