before the concert, the concert began, the concerts went with a bang. sennya at the theater we have a slulyankath us, sometimes he’s good, sometimes he’s off, which surprised me then and maybe continues to surprise me now, many people think that ermolenko always stood alone and sang all the songs on stage, nothing like that, according to my observations, the second point is, of course, yarmolenko’s wife raisa ivanovna, she worked as a costume designer and she absolutely did not behave like the director’s wife, it was the costume designer of the syabry ensemble, please be with me at all times. yagon's mother, nadzeya anikieina, slept, played the guitar, yagon's oldest brother svyataslav played the saxophone. i plowed the pit, that there was such a wretched little wife, my dear raisa, the yans snatched up extravagant duchess, just bastards, just clearly unworthy, right now, i will not be forgotten, dear unknown, dear, and when we hear the songs of our dear, respectful ears what do you think about geta, eight geta spakoy, geta high paesia, yana family, yana tseplaya, yana let me give you peace, br