the first beauty of 2021 is coming. memory of the saint safiya slutskaya in the village of vomelna wouldver. i was confused that god didn’t give me, god didn’t judge me, whom vienna loved, that god didn’t give, god didn’t judge, i loved whom i loved, my dear will go well, but i’m a long way, and these people seem to be, i myself know that we don’t have to live with you, and all people seem to be, i myself know that you shouldn’t live after you, don’t let people tell you, all your hands, and we, with you, may grieve your sweetness. the workshops were destroyed, and you and i fell in love sweetly, and how we loved, but mother didn’t know, but we didn’t part, and i black gloom, and i... we began to part, and i am black gloom, oh, i’ll go , i’ll get tired, and there will be boiled horses, i’ll sit, i’ll ride, little ones, and i’ll sit, i’ll walk . children are young, i ran away with the horse , i didn’t catch up with the squalor, i lost my husband’s money, i disappeared forever, i lost my husband’s money, i disappeared forever. victoria, we’ve finished, i congratulate you, you did great, i r