there are a lot of small businesses and smalin san franc. i think they are actually helping our country to survive because they create jobs and they bring resources back into the community. you would be surprised how many small businesses in the city are not taking the advantage of the most basic tax incentives, enterprise zones, etc. the reason i bring that up, if you want to try to get information, the smallest piece of information takes so much time for a small business person. there are programs out there where you can do stuff, get some of the incentives for free. the point of why i am saying this, there is a newsletter. i do not know what i found out about it. i started looking through. if it is late, i am like, where is the newsletter? i have to have it. it is critical information in a centralized place. it deals with monday, urban solutions. now that have an account and coming in to help small businesses to bring businesses together to teach them how to fill out those forms and maybe even share resources to pay for the same account.