about keeping the spread of capitalism is about keeping the spread of of american democracy which smeaton's our corporations go and exploit you know as many people as we can they keep talking about you know so many people are getting out of poverty but in fact the statistics show that the gap between the richest and the poorest has never been worse than it is now even in the feudal age so what we're doing right now besides a store environment is not good for the people even today the country starting wars and it's it's sending drones to one country and bombing another one we're empire we're we're trying to like to say we're trying to spread you know american capitalism you know american democracy throughout the world to let the free trade of money and you know our businesses and corporations infiltrate other countries and have new markets opening up all over the world getting back to your question you know i think it's all part of a master plan and i just think it's you know these you know they we speak we you know cat the scared and some of these other countries that have terrible dictator