. >> any other member oz thf public like to smeek? seeing no other members pubhook comment is closed. supervisor wiener i believe you had a few remarks >> a question for the city attorney. since the [inaudible] changed a little bit so i don't go what page it is on now. the question i had from the beginning is making sure property that is neighborhood open space doesn't get swept in and developed? i know we had situations. my district where supervisor [inaudible] at the time transferred property to dpw because it was neighborhood open space and not truly surplus property and i did the same thing a few years ago on car corbet so the language is property that is reserved. i don't have the page number- >> it is on page 8 in the definition of property. it excludes land reserved for intend today be reserved for open space. >> ask what does that mean? >> it is up to the board. the board will determine what is placed on the surplus list and what is transferred for development of affordable housing so it is pretty clear in the overall--the boa