stop it eddie get on with it shut up 'memapopalus' my name is smiley williams.pleased to meet you they call me judge parker, but maybe i ain't judge parker. maybe i am somebody else, somebody you know. no no you can't be him. him who's him? eddie, eddie kagle. [music] oh you can't be this whole thing is screwy! maybe it ain't screwy why don't you start figuring it out. if i ain't judge parker i must be somebody else, maybe i'm that pal of yours eddie, eddie kagle the one you chopped down with his own rod. figuring when your afraid of every shadow every footstep, every sound every dark alley you'll pass every car that whizzes by. hold up in your hide out and go slowly nuts trying to figure is eddie kagle dead or is he alive. then when you can't take it no more, go blow your brains out. [gun drops] [thud] there it is your own gun, return the compliment eddie. stop whispering in my ear devil. lay off of me will ya judge i'll do anything you say. eddie, eddie give me a chance. [ahhhhhhÑ you didn't shoot him we had a bargain. he was took care of a better way, and i n