. >>> the smith busters team reunites for a new netflix season. two reveal why this is really a high-tech search for superpowers. >> give it a try to enjoy dinner while i make him not able to enjoy dinner. >> with that, christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web, including a dancing mama to be. how she's shaking off the labor pains to get moving. >> dropping it like it's hot. >>> police in berlin are asking for anybody to help them identify -- yes, scum. see this woman in a berlin underground train station entrance walking down the stairs and unprovoked, completely out of nowhere, this guy walks up behind her and then -- bang. >> oh! >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. indeed. you see as he just unleashes a kick to her back and she goes down, falling on her face. >> were those his buddies behind him? >> yeah. the guy who did the kicking casually walks off smoking a cigarette. this last guy stops. is he actually a human being? is this guy going to go check on her? no, going to go pick up the bottle of beer one of the other guys