trump, it is a tremendous honor to have you and our guest join the smith sewngen of a tradition that goes back more than 100 years, the addition of the inaugural gown to the smi smithsonian. and we thank you. here at the national museum we preserve and share a collection of national treasures on behalf of the american people to demonstrate the power of american history, to help us make sense of the past and shape a more humane future. we are working to bring the nation together around those fundamental american ideals and ideas by freedom, opportunity and democracy that join us as a people. mrs. trump, we are grateful to you for entrusting us with this magnificent gown. and we ensure you it will be cared for in the same spirit and with the same attention as all of our national treasures. in just a few hours when the gallery reopens to the public, the nation and the world will share this moment forever. it is now my pleasure to introduce the 13th secretary of the smith sewngsonian dr. david skorten, a first generation american, cardiologist, flutist, university leader, champion of the