this is the only footage that exists of smith wigglesworth.t's others who recorded his work when his reputation really took off in the 1920s, and he travelled the world, preaching as he went. bring sinners in and... today, lilian is a guest preacher at wigglesworth‘s bowland street mission. it's now a busy church once more, newly opened with a faithful and growing congregation, just as in its heyday over 100 years ago. the church is building a reputation for lively services, with supernatural prayer and healings at the centre — just as in wigglesworth‘s time. today, wigglesworth is a household name in pentecostal circles across the globe. right, we're going up to ilkley moor, which is a place where smith wigglesworth used to play as a child and he used to pray as a man. pilgrims from scandinavia are in yorkshire to walk in the footsteps of the man they see as a modern—day miracle worker. it is god speaking to him directly. that is so very fantastic. when you hear about him, you think, "wow, maybe i could experience the same thing!" you know? t