th is whyany russians seem to be losing intest i the clock -- losing interestn the smos even here inhe o school. the local heroas n got stars in the eyes of these children. d he told mence be a policemanhen 's older,ot a coonau he sndered dreamsf- this one wants to be soldr. and this o a ccus performer. russia noweet new dams, n journ'further from our planet to igni excitemt about spac >> beg held as the u.'s late blockbuster exhitio hundreds of thousands of visitorsre expected to seethe mar wks of th anis artistn london. the sheer numbers wanting to visit galleries ar making it possle to enjoy me o the great works ofrt. >> the paintings, the graphic style distinctive, the image grotesque and comil. but behinduch t lies a deep political ange is early paiing calle"the fa" was nedy eest hengwa the publi'interest in mor art exhibitns i booming. buthese so-lledlockster exbitis are becoming victims of their ownuccess with vitors complaining of overcrowding,f begqueed intohe show's like passeers on a busy commuterrain th only get tolimpsehe famo paiings. mu like a film start a sy movipremr