is hard to compare from last year to this year if so it really gone or did it get picked up from smoifrl do you know what i mean if we see those things eliminated i wanted to point out the baby zone last year lead superintendent zone bay area was allocating at $793 plus this year it is hundred percent taken away so i'm assuming that we have investing that same amount in a bay area zone is it somewhere else when we pull out that amount of money from a specific area it is going to have some sort of impact so i'm assuming we have picked up the $793,000 somewhere else but like to be reassured and where that is going and another thing that i've nos is this year is nice to see in a way the r the recommended site budget locations but i think what is interesting around this we're now seeing before i think some of the members of my colleagues have noticed there were drops in enrollment i mean big drops hundred and 75 students from one school i'm seeing a little bit more of it being stable but there are some populations and this is probably not your purview but i'm seeing population from our middl