oh, council member helen smolinski? >> council member smolinski: you're not sure where you register, but is that something you encourage families to do with their local fire department, local police station? >> absolutely. if you're a person with some type of disability, first you want to let the family know, above, below, across the street, it's helpful sometimes if that information isn't in there, then when the police arrive, usually somebody in that little group is going to be there and go, oh, that's helen, she has an issue. that lets us know. we won't waste time waiting for someone else. maybe it's a situation where the door needs to be breached right away. i'm not sure about where you register. i can try to find out. >> council member smolinski: but beyond neighbors, do you recommend going to your local fire department and or police station? >> it can't hurt. we do have what we call emergency cards. they're usually used for merchants, but you can say, here i live at 123 jones street and i'm deaf, or hard-of-hearin