volskaya remained in the nizhny novgorod region and worked as a primary school teacher in the village of smolki more than 30 years that she had an operation in her life. children, i never told anyone. and they also stayed in the nizhny novgorod region. they grew up created families and told their children and grandchildren about who they owe their lives to. the life of my grandmother or sister and other children was saved. one saved children's life by a sister, our children were born and now our grandchildren are born. thanks to matryon volskaya for having the opportunity to live on this earth. the school in buchenwald worked until the spring of 1945. on april 11, the svyazny ran into the children's barrack . the messenger ordered everyone to lie down on the floor and hide under us. brought out the prisoners. the decision to start the uprising on a prearranged signal to the explosion of a grenade at the corner gate platoons of the company and underground battalions. went into battle with a loud russian gur. nikoling, led the assault on barbed wire and his unit on april 11, 1945. one after anoth