slovsky, from smovsky, it differs only in one letter.village to be burned, but before that the police plundered the houses of local residents, stole their code, and then set fire to every yard. next on the list for destruction was the village of veleika, in the same dokshitsy district. at a cemetery near a populated area, ukrainian police ran into partisans. started shootout, the partisans retreated. may 20, 1943 . yes, and they burst into the village, burned five collective farm buildings and 42 houses with courtyard buildings, but this also turned out to be not enough, and on may 22, 1943, they burst into the village, part of the population, again for connections with the partisans, they they drove into a barn, that's 38 people , they were old people, women and children, they acted according to a well-established scheme, when they set fire to the barn, set up machine gunners to shoot those who tried to escape, for the 118th ukrainian battalion, similar actions began classics, during the punitive. in cottbus alone , in the bikgomal regi