go back to 1930 and the smute hally tariffs. -- smoot hawley tritches. it put a tariff on goods coming into this country and why we saw the depression last longer. chris: so the trade walls are going up? >> trade walls are going up and that's a big concern. china is a biggie for us. chris: lend us all the money. rick stengel. >> by the end of the year you are going to see a plethora of e-readers, four color, that people will have in front of them and paying for great content on it. chris: kindle. kathleen. >> if health care is still twisting in the wind come november, which it seems likely, two gubernatorial races , new jersey and virginia, could go to republicans and change the -- chris: i think they're already going republican. why are those two states going republican? >> corzine, unpopular enough to be seriously challenged. and in virginia, well, they're just -- i think there's still support for somebody -- for change, a change agent. chris: you write for "the washington post." they have said there will be a slashover over the potomac and that will h