sn philadelphia cream cheese, de witfresh lk and real cream. makes your recipes their holiday favorites. the the bubbles your nose to go with it. >> it's got the stuff. >> yes. >> i love everything but gotta have the scallions in it? do you have to? >> absolutely not. that's the green vegetable component. >> i see, all right. >> so you don't feel so bad. >> so you boil up some eggs. >> we can do that. >> bring it to a boil. 8 minutes, cover. >> do you dunk them in ice? so that they stop cooking. because i do find, much like a steak, eggs keep cooking too. like meat.? juic and ike white gar. ??o >> i do too. >>'? howev you likhat's ts on i do like dukes.'vthat. >> i like kewpie. makewpie. >> something for evm?(erybod>> ? >> this is really the fun part. it's like a cookie decorating party. we srt with just eggalad on the bottom. >> egg salad on the bottom. >> toasted rye. you got to toast the bread. sca >> i like scallions. >> then what? mi i kind of make a ss visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compa