i bet snap el-- snapple could do that too if they didn't wait so much money with dumb facts i'm here to fill my body way month's worth of suggestar, not to learn. i got a suggest orr high. -- suggestar high, if this arizona iced team can do this then a company like amazon can. you know what i think, i think we should boycott amazon and only three things a day instead of five. yeah, make them feel the pain. and obviously if you need something, you should still orders t no matter what, no, there is no need to run out of imub el bath bombs that goes without saying but aside from that total boycott of more than three things per day. i should put activist in my bio. all right, finally. thises with a big weekend, a really big weekend for a lot of people all over the world. because you see you had easter, pass ore and ramadan all at the same time, basically the coachella of religion. and if you celebrate easter you probably know that it marks the end of lent, a 40 day period when many christians give up a percental pleasure or luxury as a form of spiritual devotion. typically people who obs