you can't repop the cap on a snapple. i learned that on a snapple cap.t know -- i guess. am i right? i guess you vow the next time you do it you'll be terrible and awkward like flailing and panicked like a deer trapped in a minivan. get me you of -- out of here! i have to admire his moral commitment to stay chaste and merely tongue down 20 women in one night like god intended. i cannot wait for monday's finale. the last rose ceremony was most dramatic yet. my favorite part was the full minute of emotionally charged staring. ♪ [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] ♪ [laughter] >> stephen: after seeing this are you telling me i can rake in 9 million viewers just by staring at a couple of people for a whole minute? then i know how i'm choosing tonight's guest. please welcome our finalist nyu president and author of birdhouse within dougie st. james. gentleman. thank you for being here. one of you -- one of you will be my guest tonight. [ laughter ] the other -- the other will be going home. [ laughter ] this -- this is so hard. [ laughter ] [cheers an