that is the real support of this union and snat's rooms. what is being said today and this dear one is bringing up the role of government supervision over all organizations and organs, all the so-called non-governmental organizations , which has absolutely no contradiction with the role of the government and the so-called special role of opinion organs, exactly. the government should have an opinion that the government should have supervision and the executive work and operational work should be entrusted to the union and the chambers of asalaf. if this does not happen , we have no control over our markets. this does not contradict the role of the government, the role of the government. we say that the government should do its own work. give but the main supervision should be carried out by the unions themselves, because they have a more detailed understanding of the issues , so to speak . it has been transferred, look at the powers that are the regulatory debates , anyway, because it was said that market regulation, marketing , market supe